Image+ can be used for various purposes. On this page you will find some examples of how it can be used:
You can display the Image+ thumbnail in a column of the Collections grid by setting the column's renderer to ImagePlus.MIGX_Renderer.
If you want to use Image+ in MIGX, you can configure all Image+ TV properties with a JSON string in the Configs textarea in the MIGX formtabs field. The following properties are possible:
You also need to change the Input TV Type to imageplus
You can display the thumbnail in the grid column by setting the renderer to ImagePlus.MIGX_Renderer. In earlier versions of MIGX, you need to edit a MIGX configuration to do this.
To use this Image+ MIGX field in the frontend, call the ImagePlus Snippet where the value parameter is the name of the MIGX field:
This will give you the prepared URL for the cropped image instead of the raw JSON object.
In order for the TV to be parsed using the getResources/pdoResources snippet, you need to add the following lines to your getResources/pdoResources call Snippet* call:
In the template chunk of the getResources/pdoResources snippet call, you can
use the placeholder [[+tv.name_your_TV]]
if the TV's Output Type is set to
. Without any further changes, the placeholder will contain the URL of
the cropped image.
Using the ImagePlus snippet in the getResources/pdoResources template chunk
In your template chunk for calling getResources/pdoResources Snippet, you need to add a parameter so that the ImagePlus Snippet call knows the origin ID from which to retrieve data:
Here is an example of a call and configuration, where image is your Image+ TV:
Snippet Call
<div class="blog-articles">
<div class="blog-paging">
Chunk tplBlogPost
<article class="post">
<header class="post-header">
<h3 class="post-title mt0 mb1"><a href="[[~[[+id]]]]">[[+longtitle:default=`[[+pagetitle]]`]]</a></h3>
<section class="post-excerpt">
<a class="read-more" href="[[~[[+id]]]]">read more ยป</a></p>
<footer class="post-meta">
<span class="post-author">[[+createdby:userinfo=`fullname`]]</span>
<time class="post-date" datetime="[[+publishedon:date=`%B %e, %Y`]]">[[+publishedon:date=`%B %e, %Y`]]</time>
Chunk tplBlogIntroImg
<div class="feature" style="margin-bottom:1rem">
<a href="[[+caption]]"><img src="[[+source.src:pthumb=`w=320`]]" alt="[[+alt]]" /></a>
Responsive images
If you want to display responsive images with and without the crop, you can use the ImagePlus Snippet.
Snippet Call
Chunk tplResponsiveImage
<source media="(min-width: 36em)"
srcset="[[+source.src:pthumb=`w=1024`]] 1024w,
[[+source.src:pthumb=`w=640`]] 640w,
[[+source.src:pthumb=`w=320`]] 320w"
<source srcset="[[+source.src:pthumb=`[[+crop.options]]&w=640`]] 2x,
[[+source.src:pthumb=`[[+crop.options]]&w=320`]] 1x"/>
<img src="[[+url]]" alt="[[+alt:default=`[[+pagetitle]]`]]"/>