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Input Options

In Image+ you can control the final size and aspect ratio of selected images. For an Image+ TV, several advanced input options are available:

Target Height/Width

Images can be constrained to a minimum height and/or width with Target Height and Target Width. If both values are set, the target aspect ratio of the output image will be calculated with these values. Both fields must be filled with an integer value.

Target Aspect Ratio

The aspect ratio for the output image can be restricted with Target aspect ratio. If target height and target width are specified, this value is ignored and the calculated aspect ratio of target height and target width is used. The field must be filled with a float value.

If you specify only a value for Target Height or Target Width and leave Target Aspect Ratio blank, the size of the crop is not constrained to any aspect ratio.

How to calculate the aspect ratio

The aspect ratio contains a floating point value: this value can be easily determined by dividing any width with the desired aspect ratio by the corresponding height. For example, suppose you want all your crops to have the same aspect ratio as an image of size "1600x1000", then simply divide "1600" by "1000", which gives the value "1.6". This is the value for your aspect ratio.

Show Alt Tag Field

Image+ TVs can also contain an Alt Tag field which is an additional text input that is stored with each image. It can be output next to the image i.e. as an alt tag or title tag.

To output the alt text in an Image+ TV placeholder, you need to select a chunk in the Output Options. You can also use the ImagePlus snippet and specify a template chunk in the snippet call options. The alt text is entered in the [[+alt]] placeholder in this chunk.

Show Caption Field

Image+ TVs can also include a Caption Div, which is an additional text input that is stored with each image. This can be output below the image, i.e. in an additional caption div.

To output the caption in an Image+ TV placeholder, you must select a chunk in the Output Options. You can also use the ImagePlus snippet and specify a template chunk in the call options of the snippet. The caption will be inserted into the [[+caption]] placeholder in that chunk.

Show Credits Field

Image+ TVs can also include a Credits field, which is an additional text input stored with each image. It can be output below the image, for example in an additional credits field.

To output the credits in an Image+ TV placeholder, you must select a chunk in the Output Options. You can also use the ImagePlus snippet and specify a template chunk in the snippet's call options. The credits are inserted into the [[+credits]] placeholder in that chunk.

Context/System Settings

Each Image+ TV Input Option can be replaced by a context or system setting. And context/system settings can be defined for a single TV.

There are predefined system settings in the imageplus namespace which are empty or zero. If you activate one of them or fill it with a value, this setting will override the input options of all image+ TVs. Context settings must be created before they can be used.

Key Name Description Default
imageplus.allow_alt_tag Show Alt Tag Field Allow user to enter a title/alt-tag for the image. No
imageplus.allow_caption Show Caption Field Allow user to enter a caption for the image. No
imageplus.allow_credits Show Credits Field Allow user to enter a credit for the image. No
imageplus.debug Debug Log debug information in the MODX error log. No
imageplus.force_config Force predefined crop sizes/aspect ratios Force the usage of predefined crop size/aspect ratios. No
imageplus.select_config Predefined crop sizes/aspect ratios Create predefined crop size/aspect ratios that are selectable in the template variable options. []
imageplus.target_height Target Height Constrain the target images to a minimal height. -
imageplus.target_ratio Target Aspect Ratio Restrict the target images to a aspect ratio. -
imageplus.target_width Target Width Constrain the target images to a minimal width. -
imageplus.thumbnail_width Thumbnail Width The thumbnail width of the image in the template variable panel. -

The global context/system settings have the prefix imageplus. and the individual TV context/system settings have the prefix imageplus.{tvname}.. {tvname} must be replaced with the name of the template variable.

The order for these settings is 1.

  • TV name based context setting
  • TV name based system setting
  • context setting
  • system setting

In the imageplus.select_config system setting, you can create predefined internal forces/aspect ratios with an auxiliary grid. To force the use of the predefined sizes/ratios, you can activate the system setting imageplus.force_config.

Output Options

Several advanced output options are available for an Image+ TV:

Additional phpThumb Parameters

By default, an Image+ TV returns a relative URL to a cropped (and possibly constrained) image scaled by phpThumb. This output option allows you to assign several additional phpThumb parameters that will be generated to create the thumbnail image.

Output Chunk

When you select an Output Chunk, the TV output is rendered using that chunk. Select the name of the chunk from the drop-down menu. Multiple placeholders are possible in this chunk to customize the output:

Placeholder Description
alt Alt text
crop.height Crop height of the thumbnail image
crop.options Crop engine crop option string to generate the thumbnail image
crop.width Crop width of the thumbnail image
crop.x Crop x position of the thumbnail image
crop.y Crop y position of the thumbnail image
height Minimal height of the thumbnail image
options Crop engine full option string to generate the thumbnail image
source.height Height of the source image
source.src Full path of the source image on the server (not a URL)
source.width Width of the source image
url URL of the thumbnail image
width Minimal width of the thumbnail image

All these placeholders can be used in the Snippet too.

Generate Thumb URL

If you create the thumbnail in the output chunk, i.e. through a pthumb output filter, you can disable the generation of the internal thumb URL.


You must enable this option if you do not specify an output chunk in the output options or if you use the [[+url]] placeholder in the specified output chunk. Otherwise, the image will not be cropped/truncated and the original image path will be returned.

Thumb URL Issues

If you use Image+ in a multiple language site with different base URL context settings, you have to set the system setting phpthumbof.cache_url to /. Otherwise, the generated thumbnail path will contain the {base_url} prefix.


The snippet gives you a second way to display the TV value. With template variable output you are limited to one output chunk per template variable, with the snippet you can be more flexible and use different output chunks. The following properties can be set in the snippet call:

Property Description Default
docid Resource where the Image+ TV value is received from. -
options Extended phpThumb options for the image. -
tpl Template chunk for the snippet output. ImagePlus.image
tvname Name of the Image+ TV. -
type Type of the snippet output. Could be set to check tpl and thumb. -



This snippet call returns the contents of the template variable named imageplus of resource 1 and the extended phpThumb option &w=100 (width: 100px) in the parsed ImagePlus.demo chunk.

  1. The first entry supercedes the second entry in the list etc. 

  2. Outputs image if the Image+ TV contains an image, otherwise noimage

  3. Outputs the parsed template set by tpl property for retreived Image+ TV value (with additional options set by the options property) 

  4. Outputs the thumbnail URL for retreived Image+ TV value (with additional options set by the options property) 

  5. See phpThumb readme for possible options. Maybe not all options are valid in your installation (because of crop engine limitations or server restricions). 

  6. The template chunk placeholder are the same as in the output chunk of the template variable.