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AjaxUpload is an extra package for MODx Revolution. It displays an upload area with pqinoa/filepond for uploading multiple files. The upload queue can be filled and saved by Formit hooks. The uploaded files can be attached to the FormIt mails and deleted after the form submission.


  • MODX Revolution 2.8+
  • PHP 7.4+


  • Generate an upload area for uploading multiple files.
  • Uploaded files gets random filenames to avoid hotlinking uploaded not published files.
  • FormIt hooks to prefill the upload queue, read the upload queue after form submission, attach the uploaded files to FormIt mails and delete them afer the form submission.


The project is licensed under the GPLv2 license.

Translations Default Lexicon

Translations of the package can be made for the Default Lexicon, the Properties Lexicon and the System Setting Lexicon