From 1.x to 2.x
With version 2.x the javascript handling of the file upload has been changed from Valums-File-Uploader/file-uploader to pqina/filepond. Because of this change, some snippet/hook properties are no longer needed and some snippet/hook properties are added. Some system settings have also been changed.
AjaxUpload snippet properties
The following snippet properties have to be removed or modified in the AjaxUpload snippet call:
Old property | Change |
addJquery | Remove from snippet call. |
allowedExtensions | The property has to be replaced with the acceptedFileTypes property. The property value has to be modified. |
language | Remove from snippet call. |
maxFilesizeMb | The property has to be replaced with the maxFileSize property. The property value has to be modified. |
thumbX | Remove from snippet call. |
thumbY | Remove from snippet call. |
The following new properties are available and have to be added or modified in the AjaxUpload snippet call:
New property | Change |
acceptedFileTypes | The property has to be replaced from the allowedExtensions property. The property value has to be modified. |
fieldformat | The property has to be filled with the value of the ajaxuploadFieldformat property used in the according FormIt snippet call. |
maxFileSize | The property has to be replaced from the maxFilesizeMb property. The property value has to be modified. |
placeholderPrefix | The property has to be filled with the value of the placeholderPrefix property used in the according FormIt snippet call. |
scriptTpl | The property has to be added to the snippet call, if you don't want to use the default. |
showCredits | The property has to be added to the snippet call, if you don't want to use the default. |
targetMediasource | The property has to be filled with the value of the ajaxuploadTargetMediasource property used in the according FormIt snippet call. |
value | The property has to be added to the snippet call, if you don't want to use the default. |
FormIt hook properties
The following FormIt hook properties have to be removed or modified in the FormIt snippet call:
Old property | Change |
ajaxuploadClearQueue | Remove from snippet call. |
ajaxuploadFieldname | Remove from snippet call. |
The following new properties are available and have to be added or modified in the FormIt snippet call:
New property | Change |
ajaxuploadCacheExpires | The property has to be added to the snippet call, if you don't want to use the default. |
ajaxuploadSanitizeFilename | The property has to be added to the snippet call, if you don't want to use the default. |
ajaxuploadTargetMediasource | The property has to be added to the snippet call, if you don't want to use the default. |
System settings
The following system settings are removed and not used anymore:
Old Setting | Change |
ajaxupload.image_tpl | Removed |