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From 1.x to 2.x

With version 2.x the javascript handling of the file upload has been changed from Valums-File-Uploader/file-uploader to pqina/filepond. Because of this change, some snippet/hook properties are no longer needed and some snippet/hook properties are added. Some system settings have also been changed.

AjaxUpload snippet properties

The following snippet properties have to be removed or modified in the AjaxUpload snippet call:

Old property Change
addJquery Remove from snippet call.
allowedExtensions The property has to be replaced with the acceptedFileTypes property. The property value has to be modified.
language Remove from snippet call.
maxFilesizeMb The property has to be replaced with the maxFileSize property. The property value has to be modified.
thumbX Remove from snippet call.
thumbY Remove from snippet call.

The following new properties are available and have to be added or modified in the AjaxUpload snippet call:

New property Change
acceptedFileTypes The property has to be replaced from the allowedExtensions property. The property value has to be modified.
fieldformat The property has to be filled with the value of the ajaxuploadFieldformat property used in the according FormIt snippet call.
maxFileSize The property has to be replaced from the maxFilesizeMb property. The property value has to be modified.
placeholderPrefix The property has to be filled with the value of the placeholderPrefix property used in the according FormIt snippet call.
scriptTpl The property has to be added to the snippet call, if you don't want to use the default.
showCredits The property has to be added to the snippet call, if you don't want to use the default.
targetMediasource The property has to be filled with the value of the ajaxuploadTargetMediasource property used in the according FormIt snippet call.
value The property has to be added to the snippet call, if you don't want to use the default.

FormIt hook properties

The following FormIt hook properties have to be removed or modified in the FormIt snippet call:

Old property Change
ajaxuploadClearQueue Remove from snippet call.
ajaxuploadFieldname Remove from snippet call.

The following new properties are available and have to be added or modified in the FormIt snippet call:

New property Change
ajaxuploadCacheExpires The property has to be added to the snippet call, if you don't want to use the default.
ajaxuploadSanitizeFilename The property has to be added to the snippet call, if you don't want to use the default.
ajaxuploadTargetMediasource The property has to be added to the snippet call, if you don't want to use the default.

System settings

The following system settings are removed and not used anymore:

Old Setting Change
ajaxupload.image_tpl Removed