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This MODX Extra adds a custom manager page that allows you to create and maintain a list of crosslinks. Each entry of the crosslinks list take the form of text => resource where text is the searched linktext and resource is the linked resource. A plugin replaces each linktext on a MODX resource with a crosslink.


The crosslink plugin parses the content field on render and replaces all occurrences of each linktext with the markup defined in the tpl chunk. This can be used to set a link to the crosslinked resource for a given linktext. The plugin replaces the linktext only in the content field of the resource.

Crosslinks uses the following system settings in the namespace crosslinks:

Setting Description Default
debug Log debug information in the MODX error log. No
disabledTags (Comma separated list) Crosslinks does not replace text inside of this HTML tags. a,form,select
enabledContexts (Comma separated list) If set, Crosslinks works only in context with this keys.
enabledTemplates (Comma separated list) If set, Crosslinks works only in templates with this IDs.
fullwords Replace only full words of a crosslinks term in the resource content. Yes
limit Limit the replacements of one crosslink text in one resource to this number (0 = not limited) 0
sections Replace Crosslinks links only in sections marked with <!— CrosslinksStart --> and <!— CrosslinksEnd -->. The section markers could be changed with the settings crosslinks.sectionsStart and crosslinks.sectionsEnd. No
sectionsEnd Marker at the end of a section processed by Crosslinks. The restriction to marked sections can be activated in the setting crosslinks.sections. <!— CrosslinksStart -->
sectionsStart Marker at the start of a section processed by Crosslinks. The restriction to marked sections can be activated in the setting crosslinks.sections. <!— CrosslinksEnd -->
tpl Template Chunk for the highlight replacement. Crosslinks.linkTpl

Available placeholders

The following placeholders are available in the linkTpl chunk used by the plugin:

Placeholder Description
text The linktext being referenced.
link The link to the resource
resource The id of the linked resource
parameter json encoded array of link parameters

The default chunk for these placeholders is available with the Crosslinks. prefix. If you want to change the chunk, you have to duplicate it, change the duplicate and reference the duplicate in the MODX system settings. The default chunk would be reset with each update of the Crosslinks extra.