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Enable the PDF generation

PDFResource works out of the box and creates PDF files from all resources, that have the template variable create_pdf assigned (the template variable name could be changed in MODX system settings). The generated PDF files are saved with the current alias path to {assets_url}/pdf/

So after the installation you only have to assign the template variable create_pdf to the templates of the resources that should be converted to PDF and check that template variable in the resource (checked by default).

PDF generation on the fly

To generate PDF files on the fly with PDFResource you have to assign the template variable live_pdf to a template (the template variable name could be changed in MODX system settings) and check this template variable on a resource. After this, the resource will be rendered as PDF file in the browser. The file could be saved with the current alias.

Don't create a DDOS attacking vector

This option should only be activated, if the content of the resource is dynamically changed. Generating the PDF is a quite resource consuming process and it could take some time.

PDF options

By default the PDF content and the CSS code for the PDF could be changed with the chunks tplPDF and tplCSS. Some other PDF options (pagesize, margins etc.) could be set in MODX system setting.

PDFResource uses the following system settings in the namespace pdfresource:

Key Description Default
Area PDF Author of the PDF file site_name system setting
pdfresource.creator Creator of the PDF file site_url system setting + powered by PDFResource/mPDF
pdfresource.customFonts JSON encoded object of custom fonts, see Custom fonts for an example. Please copy the font files to the folder referenced in the pdfresource.customFontsFolder system setting. -
pdfresource.customFontsFolder Path to the custom fonts folder. If the path is not set or available, pdfresource.customFonts is not used. The {core_path}, {base_path} and {assets_path} placeholders can be used in this setting. {core_path}components/customfonts/
pdfresource.defaultFont Default font of the generated PDF -
pdfresource.defaultFontSize Default font size of the generated PDF 0
pdfresource.format PDF page size. If you want to change the orientation of a "named" PDF page size you have to append -L to the PDF page size string (i.e. A4-L). A4
pdfresource.generateOnPrerender Generate not existing PDF files during OnWebPagePrerender. This option is useful, if you have installed PDFResource in an existing MODX installation. You don't have to save all resources that could generate a PDF file then. false
pdfresource.mPDFMethods JSON encoded array of callable mPDF method names. []
pdfresource.mgb Bottom margin of the generated PDF 16
pdfresource.mgf Footer margin of the generated PDF 9
pdfresource.mgh Header margin of the generated PDF 9
pdfresource.mgl Bottom margin of the generated PDF 15
pdfresource.mgr Right margin of the generated PDF 15
pdfresource.mgt Top margin of the generated PDF 16
pdfresource.mode mPDF mode, see mode parameter and choosing a configuration in the mPDF documentation for possible values. -
pdfresource.orientation PDF orientation. If you want to change the orientation of a "named" PDF page size you have to append -L to the PDF page size string (i.e. A4-L). P
pdfresource.ownerPassword Password for full access and permissions to the generated PDF. -
pdfresource.permissions JSON encoded array of permissions granted to the end-user of the PDF file. See permissions in the mPDF documentation for possible values. []
pdfresource.userPassword Password required to open the generated PDF. -
Area Resource
pdfresource.pdfTv Name ot the template variable that activates the PDF generation. create_pdf
pdfresource.pdfTvLive Name of the template variable that activates the on the fly PDF generation. live_pdf
pdfresource.pdfTvOptions Name of the template variable that change the options of the generated PDF. The content of this template variable has to contain a JSON encoded object of the options you want to change. pdf_options
Area System and Server
pdfresource.debug Log debug information in the MODX error log. No
Area Template
pdfresource.cssTpl Template chunk for the PDF style. You could use @FILE binding to retreive the chunk from a file. tplCSS
pdfresource.pdfTpl Template chunk for the PDF content. You could use @FILE binding to retreive the chunk from a file. tplPDF
pdfresource.processTVs Process template variables during PDF generation. Yes
pdfresource.tvPrefix Template variable prefix in the template chunk. .tv

Resource based PDF options

All these options could be modified on resource base in a template variable pdf_options (the template variable name could be changed in MODX system settings). This template variable has to contain an JSON encoded object of options without the prefix pdfresource..


    "format": "A4-L",
    "mgl": 20,
    "mgr": 20

PDF content template

The content of the PDF is filled with the chunk defined by pdfresource.pdfTpl MODX system setting (or on resource base by the pdf_options template variable). By default PDFResource uses the tplPDF chunk. You could fill this chunk like a normal MODX template with resource placeholders, snippet calls etc. Since the PDF is not created on the fly, the content is fixed after saving the resource.

PDF styles template

The style of the PDF is set with the chunk defined by pdfresource.cssTpl MODX system setting (or on resource base by the pdf_options template variable). By default PDFResource uses the tplCSS chunk. There are some limitations with mPDF and CSS (i.e. position: absolute works only with elements on root level).

Custom fonts

To use custom fonts in your PDF files, you have to add them as JSON encoded object in the MODX system setting pdfresource.customFonts. See Fonts in the mPDF documentation a the full description.


  "frutiger": {
    "R": "Frutiger-Normal.ttf",
    "I": "FrutigerObl-Normal.ttf"

Please copy the font files to the folder referenced in the MODX system setting pdfresource.customFontsFolder. Before PDFResource version 2 they have to copied to {core_path}components/pdfresource/vendor/mpdf/mpdf/ttfonts/.

PDF permissions

The generated PDF could be encrypted to set user permissions. An user password to open the file and an owner password to bypass and/or change the permission restrictions could be set. The PDF encryption is enabled if the user or the owner password is set.

A list of permissions could be found at permissions in the mPDF documentation. By default all permissions are denied if the file is encrypted.

The following example JSON will grant copying and printing (low-res) to the end-user of the generated PDF.


["copy", "print"]

Other mPDF options

If you want to set other mPDF options to modify the PDF file creation, you could call the mPDF class methods with callbacks.

To use the callbacs, you first have to fill the MODX system setting pdfresource.mPDFMethods with an JSON encoded array of called method names. After that, you have to fill the according MODX system setting or (on resource base) an according key in pdf_options template variable. The method parameters have to be set by an JSON encoded array.


To call the mPDF method SetHTMLFooter you have to set the MODX system setting pdfresource.mPDFMethods to


After that you have to create a MODX system setting pdfresource.SetHTMLFooter and fill it with

["<div align='right' style='font-size: 8pt;'>{PAGENO}</div><div align='center' style='font-size: 8pt; font-style: italic;'><hr>My footer text.</div>"]

or fill the PDF Options template variable of a resource with

  "SetHTMLFooter": [
    "<div align='right' style='font-size: 8pt;'>{PAGENO}</div><div align='center' style='font-size: 8pt; font-style: italic;'><hr>My footer text.</div>"

Linking to a generated PDF

All generated static PDF files are saved with the aliaspath of the generating resource. If you want to create a link to that PDF file, you could use the following code. The output filter returns - if the file does not exist:

[[*id:pdfresourcelink:ne=`-`:then=`<a href="[[*id:pdfresourcelink]]">PDF</a>`:else=``]]

Debug HTML/CSS output

The pre-rendered HTML or CSS output handled by mPDF can be debugged with the mode url parameter. For this you have to enable the pdfresource.debug system setting and load the PDF generating resource with mode=html or mode=css as URL parameter. The result will be the HTML or CSS code that is handled by mPDF.

That way you can identify wrong image paths etc. in this code. Don't forget to disable the pdfresource.debug system setting afterwards.

Tips and tricks

If you want to change the filename of the generated PDF on the fly, you have to create a new plugin that runs before PDFResource in OnWebPagePrerender. This plugin has to execute $modx->resource->set('alias', 'invoice_' . date('Ymd', $invoice->get('date')) . '_' . $invoice->get('client_id')) to set the alias on the fly (it works even without saving $modx->resource).