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The package contains two snippets and a formit hook, that use the following parameters1


This snippet will display an add button. It has the following properties:

Property Description Default
addId This value (and the correspondenting item title) is added to the list.2 Current resource id
addTpl Template for the add link. (system setting)
tplPath Base path for template chunks using @FILE binding. (system setting)

The Add template can contain a link or a form to add xPDO objects as an element to the list. The form can contain form fields and the link can contain parameters to set properties of the remembered element. The field names and url parameters must be prefixed with [[+rememberqueryadd]]property_.


The following placeholders are available in the addTpl template chunk:

Placeholder Description
rememberurl Link to add an xPDO object as element to the list.
rememberid The identifier to reference the added element.
rememberqueryadd The query parameter to add an element to the list3.


This snippet will display the remembered list. It has the following properties:

Property Description Default
jsonList Output a JSON-encoded array of associative arrays of element identifiers4 and element itemproperties. 0 (No)
noResultsTpl Template that is displayed, if the list is empty. (system setting)
outerTpl Outer template for the output of the list, if the list is not empty. (system setting)
rowTpl Row template for the output of a list element. (system setting)
tplPath Base path for template chunks using @FILE binding. (system setting)
wrapperTpl Wrapper template for the outer output or the empty output. (system setting)

The snippet tries to display a list from the database if the query parameter rememberthis is not empty.


The following placeholders are available in the rowTpl template chunk:

Placeholder Description
identifier The identifier of the added element.
properties The properties for the added element.
itemtitle The title of the added element. This title is rendered with the chunk referenced by the itemTitleTpl system setting5
deleteurl The url to delete this element from the list.
deleteid The row ID to delete this element from the list.

The following placeholders are available in the outerTpl template chunk:

Placeholder Description
count The count of added elements in the list.
wrapper The wrapper containing all rows of the list.

RememberThisHook (FormIt hook)

The FormIt hook sets some placeholders in FormIt. You have to call the hook like this:


The hook has the following properties:

Property Description Default
rememberClearList Clear the list after running the hook. 0 (No)
rememberJsonList Output a JSON-encoded array of associative arrays of element identifiers4 and element itemproperties. 0 (No)
rememberNoResultsTpl Template that is displayed, if the list is empty. (system setting)
rememberOuterTpl Outer template for the output of the list, if the list is not empty. (system setting)
rememberRowTpl Row template for the output of a list element. (system setting)
rememberSaveList Save the remembered list with a hash in the database and fill a placeholder with this hash. 0 (No)
rememberTplPath Base path for template chunks using @FILE binding. (system setting)
rememberWrapperTpl Wrapper template for the outer output or the empty output. (system setting)


The following placeholders are available in the rowTpl template chunk:

Placeholder Description
identifier The identifier4 of the added element.
properties The properties for the element.
itemtitle The title of the added element. This title is rendered with the chunk referenced by the itemTitleTpl system setting5
itemcount The value of an input field with the name count_[[+rowid]], if the form is posted.
rowid The row ID of the element.

FormIt Placeholders

The following FormIt placeholders ([[!+fi. ...]]) are set by the hook:

Placeholder Description
rememberthis The output of the rememberWrapperTpl template chunk (or the JSON encoded array of associative arrays of element identifiers4 and element itemproperties in the remembered list, if jsonList property is enabled).
rememberthis.list An array of associative arrays of element identifiers and element itemproperties in the remembered list.
rememberthis.count The count of added elements in the list
rememberthis.hash The hash of the saved list in the database. The RememberThisList snippet can be triggered by the request parameter rememberthis containing this hash. That way remembered lists can be mailed to other users.

RememberThisClear (FormIt hook)

The FormIt hook clears the list and can be used as one of the last entries in the FormIt hook list.

System Settings

RememberThis uses the following system settings in the namespace rememberthis.

Key Name Description Default
rememberthis.addTpl Add Template Template for the add link. tplRememberThisAdd
rememberthis.ajaxLoaderImg AJAX Loader Image Image file, that is shown during AJAX requests. -
rememberthis.classname Classname xPDO class name where the added data is retreived from. -
rememberthis.cookieExpireDays Cookie Expiration The expiration time of the cookie (in days). 90
rememberthis.cookieName Cookie Name The name of the cookie. rememberlist
rememberthis.debug Debug Display debug information. No
rememberthis.fields Fields Comma separated list of field names of the xPDO class, that are remembered in the list. -
rememberthis.includeCss Include CSS Include css (at the end of the head). Yes
rememberthis.includeScripts Include Javascripts Include javascripts (at the end of the body). Yes
rememberthis.itemTitleTpl Item Title Template Template for one list item. tplRememberThisItemTitle
rememberthis.joins Joins Joins defined in the xPDO class, to retreive the added data. -
rememberthis.jQueryPath Path to jQuery Path to jQuery script. -
rememberthis.keyname Keyname xPDO class keyname to retrieve one data row. id
rememberthis.language Language The frontend language. -
rememberthis.noResultsTpl No Results Template Template that is displayed, if the list is empty. tplRememberThisNoResults
rememberthis.outerTpl Outer Template Outer template for the output of the list, if the list is not empty. tplRememberThisOuter
rememberthis.packagename Packagename xPDO package name from which the added data is retrieved. If empty, the data is retrieved from resources. -
rememberthis.queryAdd Add Query Key Query key, that is used to add elements to the list. add
rememberthis.queryDelete Delete Query Key Query key, that is used to remove elements from the list. delete
rememberthis.rowTpl Row Template Row template for the output of a list element. tplRememberThisRow
rememberthis.scriptTpl Script Template Template for the javascript call. tplRememberThisScript
rememberthis.showZeroCount Show Zero Value Show Zero Values in template. Yes
rememberthis.tplPath Templates Path Base path for template chunks using @FILE binding. {assets_path}elements/chunks/
rememberthis.tvPrefix Template Variable Prefix Prefix for template variables in template chunks. tv.
rememberthis.useCookie Use Cookie Save the remembered data in a cookie. No
rememberthis.useDatabase Use Database Save the remembered list in the database (only if the frontend user is logged into the site). No
rememberthis.wrapperTpl Wrapper Template Wrapper template for the outer output or the empty output. tplRememberThisWrapper

Multiple snippet calls and debug output

If you display the RememberThisList snippet call multiple on the page, all snippet calls have to be different, to show the debug information.

The following templating system settings can be overridden by snippet properties: rowTpl, outerTpl, addTpl, noResultsTpl

In the rowTpl template chunk all resource fields can be used as placeholder (template variables have to be prefixed using the prefix set in tvPrefix), if no xPDO package/classname is used. If a xPDO package/classname is used, all fields of the xPDO class can be used as placeholder.

  1. Most of the settings for the snippet templates should be done in the MODX system settings, as they are used by the snippets and with Ajax. 

  2. If an xPDO object package and a classname are used, the object is referenced by the column with the system setting keyname

  3. The placeholder rememberqueryadd is filled with the addQuery system setting. 

  4. The identifier is set by the keyname system setting, if the xPDO object package and classname is used. 

  5. In the itemTitleTpl template chunk all column names of the xPDO object can be referenced by a placeholder with this name. Also, all properties can be referenced with the property name, i.e. a property set by [[+rememberqueryadd]]property_test can be referenced with the placeholder [[+test]]