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With the Date configuration you could use an calendar snippet on the resource with the URI calendar/date/. The snippet on that resource would use the request parameters year, month, day, title to identify the event. An example URI triggering this configuration: /calendar/date/2015/09/01/eventname.html

The Calendar configuration sends the request parameters year, month, day to another snippet on the resource with the URI calendar/. Example triggering URI: /calendar/2015/09/01/ 1

Name Alias Path Resource URI Parameter Regular Expression
Date calendar/date/ ["year", "month", "day", "title"]
Calendar calendar/ ["year", "month", "day"]

With the Gallery configuration you could use the Gallery snippet on the selected resource Gallery Folder. The Gallery snippet on that resource would use the request parameters galAlbum, galItem to identify the gallery and the image. An example URI triggering this configuration: /gallery/01/02/

Name Alias Path Resource URI Parameter Regular Expression
Gallery Gallery Folder ["galAlbum", "galItem"]

Different URI

With the Different URI configuration you could call the resource Test with a complete different URI using the request parameters parameter1, parameter2. 2

Name Alias Path Resource URI Parameter Regular Expression
Different URI complete/different/uri/ Test ["parameter1", "parameter2"]

Regular Expression

You could even use regular expressions5 to set the request parameters 3

Name Alias Path Resource URI Parameter Regular Expression
Expression Expression ["string", "numeric"] #(.*?)-(\d+)#


The Alias Path field could be filled with a valid regular expression5 (the color of the grid field is changed to blue then4) and the Resource field could stay empty. Thay way you could use one pagination configuration for all pagination calls on the page. The first subpattern part (page/) of the expression is stripped from the not found url and the remaining string is used to identify the resource where the user is forwarded to later.

Name Alias Path Resource URI Parameter Regular Expression
Pagination #.*?(page/)# ["page"] #(\d+)#

System Settings

CustomRequest uses the following system settings in the namespace customrequest:

Key Description Default
customrequest.debug Log debug information in the MODX error log No

  1. If you are using two or more nested aliases in your configs, the deeper alias should be defined before the narrower alias in the configs. You could drag and drop the configurations in the grid of the custom manager page. 

  2. The Alias Path does not have to match the alias of the Resource. 

  3. This rule does not make much sense. If you have a real world example, please ... 

  4. The regular expression5 has to be valid and it should contain delimiters 

  5. To build and check regular expressions you could i.e. use the regex101 website.