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Input Options

The following input options could be set in template variable settings if the input type is set to ColorPicker.

Setting Description Default
Format Set the preferred color string format.1 Hex
Show Alpha Enable or disable alpha support. When disabled, the alpha value is removed from the existing color value in all formats. No
Swatches Only Set this value to true to hide all color selection widgets (spectrum, hue, …) except the color swatches. No
Swatches A JSON encoded array of the desired color swatches to be displayed. If the list is empty, the swatches are disabled.2 -

Output Options

The following output options could be set in template variable settings if the output type is set to ColorPicker. Another possibility is to assign the settings as properties to the MODX tag1.

Setting Description Default
Format Set the preferred color string format.3 Hex
Alpha Enable or disable alpha output support. No
Output The output type.4. CSS

  1. Hex: outputs #RRGGBB or #RRGGBBAA. RGB: outputs rgb(R,G,B) or rgba(R,G,B,A). HSL: outputs hsl(H,S,L) or hsla(H,S,L,A). Mixed: outputs #RRGGBB when alpha is 1; otherwise rgba(R,G,B,A). 

  2. Example: ["#264653", "#2a9d8f", "#e9c46a", "rgb(244,162,97)", "#e76f51", "#d62828", "navy", "#07b", "#0096c7", "#00b4d880", "rgba(0,119,182,0.8)"]

  3. Hex: outputs #RRGGBB or #RRGGBBAA. RGB: outputs rgb(R,G,B) or rgba(R,G,B,A). HSL: outputs hsl(H,S,L) or hsla(H,S,L,A). 

  4. Examples for CSS output are described under Format. Example for JSON output: Hex: ["80","ff","00"] or ["80","ff","00",0.5], RGB: [128,255,0] or [128,255,0,0.5], HSL: [90,"100%","50%"] or [90,"100%","50%",0.5]