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How it works

This MODX extra checks the context key of the saved or duplicated resource against a comma separated list in the contextkeeper.writable_contexts system/usergroup/user setting. The resource can only be saved in a writable context. If the resource is duplicated in a not writable context, it is moved to the root of the first writable context. The MODX extra moves also resources duplicated with Babel.

That way non-writable contexts can remain visible for all users, while they are unable to edit the content.

System Settings

ContextKeeper uses the following system settings in the namespace contextkeeper:

Setting Description Default
contextkeeper.check_empty Test the write restriction, even if the the system/usergroup/user setting writable_contexts is empty. No
contextkeeper.debug Log debug information in the MODX error log. No
contextkeeper.disable_duplicate_button Disable the duplicate button in resources of not writable contexts. No
contextkeeper.writable_contexts Comma separated list of writable context keys. -

As always, these system settings can be overridden by user group and user settings. Therefore, user group and user specific restrictions are possible.