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With this MODX Revolution extra you can generate a xPDO where clause on base of request parameters. This where clause can i.e. be used as pdoRessources or getResources where property. That way you can filter MODX resources with request parameters.



The FilterGetResourcesWhere snippet creates a where clause that can i.e. be used as pdoRessources or getResources where property. It has to be called uncached to work on the request values.

The Snippet uses the following properties:

Property Description Default
emptyRedirect ID of a resource, the user is redirected to, when the generated where clause is empty. -
fields JSON encoded array of ‘filter => resourcefield’ combinations. -
options JSON encoded array of filter operator options. -
toPlaceholder If set, the snippet result will be assigned to this placeholder instead of outputting it directly. -
type Type of the xPDO clause to filter the resources. Can be set to ‘where’ or ‘having’. Defaults to ‘where’. where
varName Name of the superglobal variable that is searched for the filter values. REQUEST
where JSON encoded xPDO where clause to filter the resources. -

The fields property uses the following syntax:


request_key contains the request key from which the value is retrieved. resource_fields contains a comma separated list of resource fields which are searched by the value. operator is optional and contains the xPDO query operator like =, >, LIKE etc. It defaults to =. If the operator is LIKE, the searched value is surrounded with %, to create a wildcard search in the resource fields. junction is optional and can be set to define the junction between two search query parts. It defaults to empty, which means AND in an xPDO where clause.

The sanitized values of each request key is set as placeholder in <key>_value.

Using the where property, you can combine the created where clause with an additional where clause created i.e. with TaggerGetResourcesWhere.


FilterWhere can use the default xPDO operators like

=, >, <, >=, <=, !=, LIKE and IN

If the operator LIKE is used, the query value is surrounded with %. If the operator IN is used, you maybe have to surround each requested value with quotes, if request values are not an array.

There are some additional operators available with FilterWhere:

  • RANGE: The requested value is separated at a - sign. The first part is used as the start of the range and the last part as the end of the range.

  • DATE: The requested value will be parsed as valid date/time string. The resulting value will be used as the start of a date range. The value plus one day will be used as the end of a date range. The start and end date can be formatted with the dateformat option or set to unixtime.

  • DATERANGE: The requested value will be separated by a string referenced in the daterangeseparator option. The two parts are parsed as valid date/time string. The resulting first two values will be used as the start and the end of a date range. The start and end date can be formatted with the dateformat option or set to unixtime.

  • GEOCODE: The requested value will be geocoded with Google Maps Geocoding (the API Key has to be set in the system settings). The distance from the resulting value to the location given by two values in the resource (lat/lng separated by ||) is calculated. This distance has to be smaller than the requested distance value.

Operator Options

FilterGetResourcesWhere uses the following operator options in a JSON encoded value in the options property:

Option Description Default
daterangeseparator The string, the requested value is separated with when the DATERANGE operator is used. -
dateformat The values in start and end date can be formatted with the dateformat option or set to unixtime. Y-m-d H:i:s


In Array

Create a form on a page and prepend it with a FilterGetResourcesWhere call:

&fields=`{ "resource":"alias::IN" }`
<form method="get" action="[[~[[*id]]]]">
        <input type="checkbox" name="resource[]" value="foo" [[!+resource_value:FormItIsChecked=`foo`]]>
        <input type="checkbox" name="resource[]" value="bar" [[!+resource_value:FormItIsChecked=`bar`]]>

This form will filter a getResources snippet call showing only resources with the alias 'foo' and/or 'bar', if one checkbox is enabled.


Create a form on a page and prepend it with a FilterGetResourcesWhere call:

&fields=`{ "count":"count::RANGE" }`
<form method="get" action="[[~[[*id]]]]">
        <input type="checkbox" name="count" value="0-2" [[!+count_value:eq=`0-2`:then=`checked`:else=``]]>
        <label>Count 0-2</label>
        <input type="checkbox" name="count" value="2-4" [[!+count_value:eq=`2-4`:then=`checked`:else=``]]>
        <label>Count 2-4</label>
        <input type="checkbox" name="count" value="4-" [[!+count_value:eq=`4-`:then=`checked`:else=``]]>
        <label>Count 4+</label>

This form will filter a getResources snippet call showing resources if the TV value count is inside the range, if one checkbox is enabled.


Create a form on a page and prepend it with a FilterGetResourcesWhere call:

&fields=`{ "daterange":"publishedon::DATERANGE" }`
&options=`{ "daterangeseparator":" - ", "dateformat":"unixtime" }`
<form method="get" action="[[~[[*id]]]]">
        <input type="text" name="daterange" value="[[!+daterange_value]]">

This form will filter a getResources snippet call showing resources in the daterange set in the daterange input (Example value: 2023-12-01 - 2023-12-30).

If the second part of the daterange is not set, the range has no end.


Create a form on a page and prepend it with a FilterGetResourcesWhere call:

&fields=`{ "geolocation":"lat||lng::GEOCODE" }`
<form method="get" action="[[~[[*id]]]]">
        <input type="text" name="geolocation" value="[[!+geolocation_value]]">
        <select name="distance">
            <option selected="true" disabled [[!+distance_value:FormItIsSelected=``]]>Distance</option>
            <option value="5" [[!+distance_value:FormItIsSelected=`5`]]>5 km</option>
            <option value="10" [[!+distance_value:FormItIsSelected=`10`]]>10 km</option>
            <option value="25" [[!+distance_value:FormItIsSelected=`25`]]>25 km</option>
            <option value="50" [[!+distance_value:FormItIsSelected=`50`]]>50 km</option>

This form will filter a getResources snippet call showing resources with a max distance around the geocoded value, if the geocoded value is has a result and the distance is set. Otherwise, the result is empty.

All forms use the following getResources snippet call.


System Settings

FilterWhere uses the following system settings in the namespace filterwhere:

Key Name Description Default
filterwhere.debug Debug Log debug information in the MODX error log. No
filterwhere.google_maps_api_key Google Maps Geocoding API Key Request a Google Maps API Key with enabled Geocoding API. -
filterwhere.google_maps_region Google Maps API Region Code Biasing Preferred region for the geocoding result. -