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This MODX Extra adds a custom manager page that allows you to create and maintain a list of explanations for key terms in your site. Entries into the glossary take the form of term => explanation where term is the phrase being described and explanation is the description of said term.

Included in the package is a snippet called Glossary which will output the glossary terms to a resource page. The snippet is fully templatable using chunks specified as optional parameters to the snippet call, and various features can be turned on or off in the same manner.


This snippet outputs a list of terms and explanations, ordered alphabetically and grouped by first letter. It also ouputs a navigation list of links at the top of the glossary list to allow a user to jump to a specific letter. The following properties could be set in the snippet call:

Property Description Default
showNav Show the letter nav at the top of the list. 1 (Yes)
showEmptySections Show empty sections in the quick-nav bar at the top of the glossary. 0 (No)
outerTpl Template chunk for glossary outer wrapper. Glossary.listOuterTpl
groupTpl Template chunk for glossary item group. Glossary.listGroupTpl
termTpl Template chunk for glossary term items. Glossary.listItemTpl
navOuterTpl Template chunk for outer nav-bar wrapper. Glossary.navOuterTpl
navItemTpl Template chunk for each item in the nav-bar. Glossary.navItemTpl
toPlaceholder If set, will assign the result to this placeholder instead of outputting it directly. 1 -


The Highlighter plugin parses page content field on render and replaces all occurrences of terms with markup defined in the plugin's tpl chunk. This can be used to provide a link directly to the glossary entry for that term. The Plugin could be controlled by the following MODX System settings:

Setting Description Default
debug Log debug information in the MODX error log. No
disabledAttributes (Comma separated list) Glossary does not replace text inside of this HTML tag attributes. title,alt
fullwords Replace only full words of a glossary term in the resource content. 2 Yes
html Allow HTML in the explanation (enables a rich-text editor in the term form). Yes
resid ID of a resource containing a Glossary snippet call. 0
sections Replace Glossary links only in sections marked with <!— GlossaryStart --> and <!— GlossaryEnd -->. The section markers could be changed with the settings glossary.sectionsStart and glossary.sectionsEnd. No
sectionsEnd Marker at the end of a section processed by Glossary. The restriction to marked sections can be activated in the setting glossary.sections.
sectionsStart Marker at the start of a section processed by Glossary. The restriction to marked sections can be activated in the setting glossary.sections.
tpl Template Chunk for the highlight replacement. Glossary.highlighterTpl

Available placeholders

The following placeholders are available in the chunks used by the snippet and the plugin or in the resource output:

Placeholder Description Chunk
link Link url including hash anchor. highlighterTpl
groups The list of term groups. outerTpl
items The list of terms. groupTpl
anchor The anchor for the term being referenced. listItemTpl
term The term being referenced. listItemTpl, highlighterTpl
explanation The explanation for this term. listItemTpl, highlighterTpl
letters The list of letters in the letter nav. navOuterTpl
letter One letter in the letter nav. groupTpl, navItemTpl
placeholder Optional placeholder, that is created by the toPlaceholder property: The whole snippet output 3 Resource output
placeholder.nav Optional placeholder, that is created by the toPlaceholder property: Outputs the nav only 3 Resource output
placeholder.items Optional placeholder, that is created by the toPlaceholder property: Outputs the items (terms & explanations) 3 Resource output

The default chunks for these placeholders are available with the Glossary. prefix. If you want to change the chunks, you have to duplicate them and change the duplicates. The default chunks are reset with each update of the Glossary extra.

  1. If you fill the toPlaceholder property i.e. with the value glossaryResult, the placeholder [[+glossaryResult]] is filled by the output of the snippet. This also creates two additional placeholders: [[+glossaryResult.nav]] and [[+glossaryResult.items]]

  2. The word boundary detection works only with not entity encoded text. So please check, if the richtext editor of the site produces the right output. 

  3. See the toPlaceholder snippet property.