Formz Builder User Interface

The User Interface (UI) of Formz should be easy to use and follow. Inside of the UI we tried to keep action names as user friendly as possible so that even a beginner can start using the system from as early as possible.

Formz Template Variable

In the Formz Template Variable you could set a few Output Options. They all change the output of the Formz Snippet fmzForms called in the template variable output. The following Output Options change the the following Snippet Properties.

Output Option fmzForms Snippet Property
Form Template tpl
Form Field Template fieldTpl
Form Field Types Template fieldTypesTpl
Form Field Wrapper Template fieldWrapTpl

Formz Snippet

This is what make creating frontend forms with Formz so easy, the main Formz Snippet fmzForms ties in all the code for the frontend form using FormIt and FormItFastPack.

The Snippet work behind the scenes when you are using the formz output type in your Template Variable. You can use the Formz Snippet fmzForms directly by adding it in the template you have attached your Formz Template Variable to. If you decide to use the Formz Snippet fmzForms inside of your template, make sure you change the Template Variable output type to default.

The default Formz Snippet call should look like this:


[[*formz]] has to be replaced with the name of your Formz TV, this is the only required parameter you need to pass to the Formz Snippet fmzForms.

The following properties could be set in the snippet call:

Property Description Default
tpl Name of the chunk containing the Formz form template. formTpl
id Form ID -
hookPrefix Prefix of the FormIt hooks called by Formz1. fmzForm_
fieldTpl Name of the chunk containing the Formz field template. fieldTpl
fieldTypesTpl Name of the chunk containing the Formz field types template (see tpl property in FormitFastPack Field Snippet). -
fieldWrapTpl Name of the chunk containing the Formz field wrapper template (see outer_tpl property in FormitFastPack Field Snippet). -

You have to duplicate and change the default Formz chunks emailTpl, fieldTpl and formTpl, if you want to set your own options to the FormIt and the field snippet calls created with Formz.

  1. Depending on the Formz form method the following hooks are called with the default hookPrefix fmzForm_database or fmzForm_email